"I know as a woman I'm supposed to be afraid of getting older, but I love this so much. Every year I sink deeper into this bath of unapologetic realness and it's amazing."
—Bunmi Landitan
Hi! I’m Jante,
I Am a Mental Health & Self-Love Advocate Endeavoring to Empower Other Women to Heal on Purpose and Transition Without Apology!
Where it started....
At 15 years old, I gave birth to my first son. At 17 years old, I was the mother of two and by 20 years old, I was a single mother of three precious little boys. As soon as I was old enough, we moved into government housing, where we resided on and off until I was 25 years old.
I love my sons more than words could ever express, but often that was not enough. The problem... I didn't love myself. Then, I got pregnant with my daughter, and because I could relate to the type of life experience she'd have if I didn't find the courage to pull myself out of life's muck, I KNEW something had to change... I had to change!
The change wasn't immediate—actually, it's still ongoing however, my life has shifted in so many positive ways because my mindset has shifted so much!
The Dream....
Many years ago when my sons were still very young, I had a dream. In that dream, my little boys were lying on the floor and I perceived them to be deceased however, after whispering into each of their ears one by one, they arose.
That dream baffled me and the confusion of it almost shattered me, but I began to pray. I asked God, "What are you trying to communicate to me through this dream?" His reply, "YOU have the power to speak life or death over your children".
Prior to that dream, I often spoke angrily to them—after that dream, I have prided myself on speaking careFULL to them.
As a result of a healthier mindset, my marriage is better, the way I parent is better, the way I treat others—overall, I am a better person—a much more positive person. And it's all a byproduct of the healing and love journey I've been on for nearly 10 years.
Begin Again...
In 2015, I started what I affectionately termed my "Begin Again" Journey. This was the first time in my life that I'd given myself permission to sincerely LOVE ME FIRST. Prior to this journey, I assumed fulfillment for me rested in my environment, my husband, our children, my church, etc. as a result of this journey, I now KNOW that it is my responsibility to FILL ME FIRST! From October 2015 till March 2016, I lost 74 lbs. and gained so much confidence, peace, joy and fulfillment.
Life Be Lifin"....
As I'm sure you are well aware, "Life be Lifin". Since 2016, my mother has passed away, my oldest son joined the military—he is currently stationed a 24 hour non-stop drive away from home, my second son left for college, my baby boy has graduated from high school, I published my first book, my husband and I became home owners, our oldest daughter is a high school Freshman, our middle girl will be joining her older sister as a teenager in a few months, I stopped homeschooling our youngest daughter, I began therapy, stopped taking anxiety medication, receive my Life Coaching Certification, donated nearly 1000 period purses, gained and lost 40 of the pounds from my "Begin Again Journey", no longer affiliated with my pastors of the past 18 years, started a YouTube channel, and have committed to working AWAKENHER WELLNESS full-time.
It is my everyday intention to show up for myself and as myself FULLY and without apology. And to ensure that I am making a consorted effort to make as many people as I can... feel SEEN for who they really are, feel RESPECTED for who they really are and feel LOVED for who they really are!
Awakenher Wellness is not only my mission and labor of love, it is my lived experience!
How It's Going...
As a mother, my dream for my children is:
*For them to be ruled by self-love.
*For them to feel seen and to make others feel seen.
*For them the be respected and to respect others.
*For them to know they are unconditionally loved, and to love unconditionally.
*For them to believe in the beauty of their dreams. And to live purposed filled lives.
My husband, he is my best friend, my greatest ally, my defender and protector. Marriage much like motherhood, though tough at times, has been revelatory and has played an essential part in my development. By way of marriage, I have learned so many things about life, love, forgiveness, compassion and grace. Still, the most significant of all the lessons has been the realization of MY worth. And that being rescued was not what I needed most—support was. Truth is, there are only two things that I NEED to feel completed... First, a deep connection with God and Second, a deep connection with SELF.