I remember being in my early teens and INSISTING that I be afforded the opportunity to “make my own mistakes”, I wanted to be grown so bad! My immaturity ignored the KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM that my older cousin, who could see that I was headed down an all too familiar path was trying to impart to me. It was knowledge and wisdom that had cost her much, and she wanted to ensure that I would not have to suffer similar ramifications. Consequently, ignorantly and immaturely, I repeated many of the things she was trying to warn me about, and life rendered me much of the same results she was trying to warn me about.
Today, I am to my children, to those I get to coach counsel or mentor, to my relatives the same voice that my cousin was trying to be to me, and much like me, they too are demanding that they be afforded the opportunity to, “make their own mistakes”. And much like my cousin and myself ONE DAY life will render them those similar results.
This is why I am not so quick to hop on the, “I made a mistake” bandwagon. Truth is, many of us are simply making poor CHOICES because we have CHOSEN to ignore the KNOWLEDGE freely given to us by those who have had to bear the cost!
History has proven that THE SAME METHODS WILL RENDER THE SAME RESULTS, and yet many of us are insane enough to think that we are so special we’ll be able to outmaneuver the consequences of our poor CHOICES and decisions. Maybe in some in some cases however, ONE DAY it will be realized that that KNOWLEDGE indeed cost something!